The first step to becoming a Pledge-a-Portion member is to take our pledge, making a solemn commitment to giving a percentage of your income to the organizations that you think can do the most good with it.

How it works:

For people earning a regular income, the Pledge commits you to giving at least 5% of your income to the organizations you believe will do the most good in the world.

Of course, the Pledge is in no way legally binding. It is a commitment entered into voluntarily and enforced solely by your own conscience.

Donate to Pledge-a-Portion:

You may use any of the following methods to make a donation to Pledge-a-Portion:

To make a donation by Credit Card, please click on the Stripe button and Donation Amount – Stripe requires you to register for security purposes, prior to donating by credit card. Thank you for your generosity!

  • Please fill in the form below and click on the “Submit” button at the end of the form.

Please deposit into the following bank account and email us the deposit slip along with this filled in form: 


Bank: Bank of America
Account Number: 237020484589
Routing Number: 053000196


Please download the DONATION form here, and e.mail back to us at


Donate using BITCOIN (Min $10)