How will Pledge a Portion help me?


Create your fundraising campaign, share with everyone you know, accept donations. It’s easy to raise funds quickly for the causes you are most passionate about. Donors from all over the world can successfully donate. We have a secure platform and ensure funds are sent to the right person.

Remember signing up is for free and every donation is yours to keep, whether or not you reach your target. Fees are deducted from each donation at just 5%.

Getting started


The process is simple to complete and allows you to create a high quality campaign, be sure to write a full description and use high quality videos and photos. Proof read and double-check to make sure there are no spelling mistakes.

Don’t forget “WHY” you are doing your campaign. Explain how the money will be spent and how it will help your cause. Show appreciation and encourage questions. Be personal. People fund people – not ideas …..

After creating your campaign go out there and share with your friends and family – we make it easy using social media links. It is important to remember that most of your donations will be from people you personally know or who are familiar with your cause. Your friends and family must share your campaign with their extended networks – this will help you gain more exposure and establish credibility for your campaign.

Each time you receive a donation, you will be notified so you can thank your donors.

We do recommend posting frequent updates to your campaign to keep your donors engaged.

Tips & Tricks for Sharing


  • Create a campaign hashtag – building social awareness around your campaign is so important.
  • Create a facebook event specifically for your campaign.
  • Share your campaign on linked in
  • Try and reach out to your local media
  • Post your campaign on instagram
  • Add a special reward
  • Make a Pinterest Pin
  • Post your cause on your city’s facebook page
  • Share on snapchat
  • Make a video for your campaign.